Classe "omega" vs Pass Labs X600

I'm in the process of buying an amp for my revel salons. i just sold an omicron and am looking to either get a classe omega which I am quite familiar with and love the sweetness and musicalness of it. I got to listemn to a Pass Labs X350 amp in California and was quite impressed. Unfortunatly there is no Pass Labs dealer in Illinois where I live so I cannot do an a-b comparison. As far as set-up goes i thinks the pass labs would be easier to deal with since they are monos and can be placed next to the speaker. The Omega is 280lbs and huge so their placement is limited. Hopefully someone out their has had dealings with both. I appreciate any and all feedback.
I will leave a list of associated equiptment since it may help give an overall idea of the sound that can be represented with either amp:
mark levinson 37 transport
meridian 861 pre-processor
revel salon speaker
valhalla interconects and speaker wire
sound applications xe 12
try Krell FPB600c

Have ever audited Omega with Signature 800.........not really feel of the high end equipment. Quite diappointed.
I've actualy heard the omicron with the signiture 800. the speakers and the amp were broken in and it didn't sound that bad. yes it may not have been as good as it could have been for a $32500 speaker/amp setup. i did audition the krell fpb700 and, forgive me for the cliche, but found the krell a little dry and not as musical as the classe. i guess i'm wondering if the pass labs are as musical and warm yet has the resolution and dynamics that the classe posess. i am not saying anything bad about krell because as the other cliche goes, "to each his own"
Both are good choices. The Classe Omega is very powerful, clean and musical. The Pass X600 is also quite good in those areas, but does not seem to have the bass response of the Omega. The presentation is also a bit different. The X600 is a a bit more forward in the stage compared with the Omega.

It is more a matter of preference than anything else.