Classe CDP-1.5, 1 or .5 experience??

Hi, I would appreciate hearing feedback from people that own or have owned any of the above one-box Classe cd players. Please ownership experience only...not just people defending what they own.
Well, I TRIED to own three CDP-1.5 units. The first one had tracking problems, the replacement unit had tracking problems, and the one that replaced that one had tracking problems as well. For $2,700, that shouldn't be happening. The second and third units were supposedly calibrated and re-checked by the manufacturer. Finally I just told the dealer "I've had it!" and got my money refunded. I like Classe amplifiers - and I liked the sound of the CD player (when it wasn't skipping) - but I will never purchase one of their CD players again.
Thanks for the input, I have heard very good things about the CDP-1 and CDP-.5, but had heard nothing about the CDP-1.5
I have had little experience with Classe CD Players but had a nightmare experience with their 80 Watt Integrated Amplifier (since discontinued). I am an installer that acquired a few of these at the insistance of a customer. One unit failed and took out a driver on a very expensive monitor. Upon returning the amp to Classe for service, I had to deal with customer service problems that bordered on overt hostility. I do not sell Classe products, and although I have friends and clients that swear by the company, my experience was was almost unbelievable.