Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps

I was wondering if anyone has heard any models from both Classdaudio and Channel Island amps. I searched the threads, but I couldn't find a comparison. I want to know how the two brands compare in terms of sound, durability, and build quality. I know that Classdaudio builds their own circuit board while Channel Islands use Hypex. I would appreciate any information.
So what, the M amps cost $45,000 - unless the technology trickles down the vast majority of folks won't be able to avail themselves to this
Now now Facten..I was just answering Izora's question. You are right that the majority of folks won't be able to avail themselves to this..after all..Bill Gates has two M-Amps in the trunk of his Maybach Landaulet. (just kidding)..
Everyone, thanks for all your input. I'm still interested in class D amps, but I'll wait until more advancements and improvements have been made. It seems like they're getting better and better. I went ahead and bought a Parasound A21 amp. This is my first amp, so I guess I wouldn't know any better since I can't make any comparisons with other amps.