To Nordostman.. "( +0, 0, -0)". "Will you please get" a shipping clue......................
When threads get started about shipping we always get ASKED to participate.
We know more about shipping hifi than ANY member on this site.
There is nothing that is "junk: about our ship posts, you just don't like us, and that's your hurt feelings problem (LOL!), but it has nothing to do with the content of our post.
Our shipping dept puts other dealers in ah, along with our ship record (99.9% positive).
We have 16 different shipping accts (you probably haven't even shipped 16 hifi items....).
Don't waste our time and you won't find us "difficult", as our 450 feedbacks clearly imply.
According to your feedback, you don't deal with ANYONE on this site: ( +0, 0, -0).,
so who exactly are you to be commenting on a thread about shipping hifi?
Did you ship over a 1,000 items last year? Did you even ship 1?
If YOU don't like our few posts, then vote them off, that's how it now works.
BTW, what exactly did you buy from us? Answer: The same as your rating; NOTHING.
Closing statement: If members double box & quadruple pack their ground
shipments you will rarely have trouble, but few go through this trouble.