CJ MF2550 Replacing the power amp fuss

Hi All
It looks like the fuses on My CJ MF2550 power amp have blown.  have ordered the replacements (after discussing the issue with Jeff at CJ) and hopefully they will arrive soon.
I was wondering if anyone has replaced the fuses in this app before. I wanted to know if all one has to do is to unscrew the bottom plate to access the PCBs or does it require more work to gain access to the boards.

Yes; you’ll be able to replace the rail fuses, by removing your bottom plate.     Of course: unplug the amp, first.      
You have to order the fuse? What kind of fuse is it? I'm just being noisy.

I've ordered in bulk.  I saw a guy selling bussman slow blow 4 amp fused for 170.00 a pair.... I payed under 60.00 for 30 fuses. Bussman fuses too. Granger... if I recall.. I whipped up the graphene, paint. 50/50 graphene/nuclear never seize. 

Nickel, copper, lead, aluminum, calcium oxide, graphite and  GRAPHENE
The paste is good for 2200 degrees F, and 500 degrees F before it will drip...
