City dweller power cable & conditioner questions

I have a simple set up with a Unico integrated, turntable, and (soon) Squeezebox. I'd like to change the stock power cable for the Unico, but I'm not sure what the best way to do it would be. The units are about 10ft away from the nearest outlet, and right now I'm just plugging everything into a regular old surge suppressor--which buzzes annoyingly. I also get occasional interference from what sound like taxi cab radios (or could that be coming through the unshielded speaker wire?). I live in an apartment in NYC. I've read conflicting things about plugging the amp directly into the outlet vs. using a conditioner. What would you advise? Is it worthwile or necessary to "condition" city power? My budget is only about $300.
Here's two choices:

Them surpus ONEAC isolation transformer /filters are really good and can be found for $35 or less in eBay, depending on size. They will beat many many 'audio grade' filters.

My little sister uses this one with an AIWA changer as transport and Soundstream/Krell DAC-1:

These units use a C-core transformer for common mode noise and capacitors for transverse mode noise. Kick ass...

You can also replace the outlets in those units, like this guy did:

Thanks for these suggestions. Do I need to have separate filtration for the analog and digital sources?
The Belkin PureAv PF60 is the best line conditioner out there. Everything else is packaging.

You have to look under the hood of a PF60 and say WoW! Compared to my $8500 Accuphase I prefer the Belkin PureAV PF60. If you don't believe it's your loss. Plus the sound is very impressive. It has many features that the other line conditioners don't have.

The Belkin PF60 is not only the best line conditioner out there but it may the biggest secret out there also.
Sorry that I can't suggest a product and excuse me if I may ask a couple of questions. I too am in the market for a surge/conditioner and the Belkin that several of you have recommended looks very interesting. Before, I was considering a product such as a PS Audio Power Director 3.5. Has anyone had a chance to compare the Belkin to a product such as the PS Audio power director 3.5? Thanks.