Chevy Silverado Truck Spanish Ads on Audiogon

  • The last few days I have  been getting these Chevy Truck ads constantly when on Audiogon.  Anyone else getting these annoying pest pop-ups? Or how to end these?  Moderator?

I use Firefox browser with DuckDuckgo for the search engine and never get pop up ads and have more privacy which is the main reason I use them. About to start running my DIY custom SFF water cooled computer where I have it setup with just DuckDuckgo for the browser and search, no pop ups ever. On occasion I need to do something that does not work on either browser so I open Edge, do what I need then close it but I am looking for a way around that.






Pinchee Silverado!

Cabrones! Hijo de la...

Hah!  I used to work in restaurants in So Cal with Mexican guys and I probably spoke more Spanish than English at work. I miss that kinda talk...  

Do you have a problem with the advertisers thinking that Hispanic people might have an interest in music and hi fi? I'm sure you have more important thing to worry about!

Linda Ronstadt displayed the absolute peak of human artistic expression with her albums Canciones de me Padre and Ma Canciones. Easily up there with the works of Micheal Angelo, J. D. Slanger and countless others. You should check them out!