center channel speakers --- low height

I am installing a home theater and I have a size constraint for the center channel speaker. It has to be no higher than approximately 6 inches. The Revels and the Sonus Faber won't work and I didn't particularly like the sound of the B&Ws that would fit for this application. Any recommendations?
i use the sonus faber wall speakers x 5 ( one of the wall speakers as a center)...

i think as long as stay within the same mfg. you might be okay (ie keep the sonus faber house sound).
That would work. As long as the frount 3 match so voices don't sound different in the sides and center.
Programmergeek and Mikesinger thanks for the response to my follow up question. The combination of Sonas Faber speakers is probably the way I will go. Appreciate your advice.