center and surrounds to match thiel cs3.6's

I am curious if anyone has found a good timbre match for thiel loudspeakers used in a home theater setup. I just can't swallow the price of the scs or mcs speakers. Any help would be appreciated.
I have to agree with the SCS3 recommendation but depending on how often you use the home theatre the SCS or SCS2 speakers may do you just fine. I use SCS speakers in the center and rears but they only get 2-4 hours of use a week maximum (haven't used them in two months since moving). Three SCS speakers ran me $750. They aren't as nice as the SCS3 but they aren't in the same price range either and they are well matched to other Thiels.
I'd bite the bullet an buy at least one MCS1 for your center. You won't be sorry. I run 3.6ers in the front with MCS1's center and rears. I currently have a nice pair of SCS3 at auction. They use to be in the rear and can be had for cheep, if you don't mind a couple scratches. It has been my personal experience that Thiel works best with Thiel
Thanks alot for all of your great input! I focused on my two channel setup first when building my system, and still primarily listen to two channel. I think I will go with the group concensus and try to pick up SCS3's to match the 3.6's. I love my thiel's too much to get rid of them.

Thanks again to all for the help.

Tim Isle