Celestion SL700 - matching amp?

Anyone have suggestions for powering celestion SL700's? Do they require lots of power or are they easy to drive?
They require lots of power to sound their best. They are quite inefficient. A wonderful speaker that throw a wide, deep and transparent soundstage. Surprising bass for their size. Unfortunately, Celestion no longer have replacement drivers. That's why I got rid of mine.
I totally agree with gordon, 700's and VTL are made for each I have spent many hours enjoying that combination. If your room is not very large, the triode mono blocks are very tasty. Of course if your room is very large the 700's are probably not the best choice. Enjoy.
I am currently driving a pair of sl700's with an audio research vt100mk2 and the sound is incredible, do not underestimate the potential of these speakers with the right equiptment they are outstanding.