I was planning on buying a new CD player (Rega Jupiter 2000), when I read a few reveiws of the Sony SCD-XA777ES, which used, I could buy for about the same amount as the Rega new. I currently have an extensive CD collection, but no SACDs. My question is whether I should just go ahead and buy the Sony, or whether a dedicated CD player, like the Rega (or others at its price point) are significantly better in their CD playback. Thanks. Tom
The Sony DVP-NS900V is a whole different creature than the other Sony players being discussed in this thread. For one thing, it is not an ES model. It is just a mass produced consumer product as compare to the ES model which is designed with attention to audiophile needs. Also, it is not a dedicated audio player. It is a DVD/CD/SACD player. The addition of all the video circuits/processors is a big negative for the overall audio performance. Therefore, I can see why Natalie may be unhappy with the player.
I note with interest that Stereophile has rated the 777 as Class A in their October 'recommended components' issue FWIW
Hey, I've been elsewhere since vinyl left center stage: Could someone take a moment to clarify what digital formats exist, what the initials stand for, and whether any of these are home-recordable? Thank you.
Why should anyone care what bound for sound say but not care what stereophile says??? NataLIE you denagrate the rags until someone agrees with you. That is hypocracy of the worst sort. Either they always suck, or they are always reliable. You can't pick and choose that way.
Kayakfit, SACD stands for Super Audio Compact Disc. It is an attempt on Sonys part to fix all the problems they started when they realeased those garbage CD players twenty years ago. DVD-A is another high resolution digital audio format that is not compatable with SACD. The sound is also much better than the garbage Redbook CDs foisted on us by innumerable companies just so they can be competetive in the market. CDs are incapable of great sound, SACD and DVD-A on the other hand are capable of good sound. That's not the same as saying they are there yet though. None of them match vinyl yet.