CD's vs Vinyl - Finally hear the difference

About 2 years ago, I decided to get back into vinyl. I had some old albums I wanted to play, so I blew the dust off my 35 year old TT and fired that mutha up. It took me about 13 months to get my accousic vibration problem licked and to put together some decent analog euipment-some new, some used. Anyway, I started listening to ONLY vinyl. I was surprised how well my albums had been preserved and how well the new ones I purchased sounded. I had read the vinyl purist's comments about how much better records sounded than CD's, but I must admit-I was doubtful. I had put together a fairly good Digital system with a tubed Kora Hermes II DAC. Anyway, I had a friend over the other day and for the first time in almost a year, I put on a CD. I have to say-there is absolutely no comparison how much better vinyl sounds than CD's. CD's sound as though they were recorded in an anechoic chamber. There is no ambience, no warmth, no soul. The music is accurate, but it isn't alive. You simply have to hear it to understand. All the years I wasted listening to CD's! I guess they have their place if you're on the go in cars, boats etc, but if you are wanting to really listen to good quality recorded music, there is only one choice.
Dev, I want to be democratic and give/take as much as possible, knowing that vinyl involves more of a learning curve than most aspects of audio and everyone is moving along on that continuum. Thus generalizations about vinyl are really only interesting to the extent that one reveals something about oneself in context(as did the OP.) However there are a few on the forum who one way or another have formed an opinion that they are at the end not just of their own road but of all roads. One such *expert* elsewhere posted to the effect that of the many hundreds of set-ups he has encountered over the years, only a handful were not badly set up. If this is so IOW then w/r to LP uber alles, one may conclude either that vinyl as commonly experienced is a flawed medium indeed, or that it is so good as to forgive the worst mishandling.
As you can see, my system is fairly modest compared to the systems of the many posters on this thread. However, my system is incredibly capable of bringing my countless hours of musical enjoyment and I really love spending time in my listening room. I'm easy, and I enjoy both vinyl LP's and digital CD's equally. But, I must admit that I spend more "serious listening time" spinning albums on my turntable than I do listening to CD's. Not necessarily because of any winner in the "analog vs. digital" debate, but simply because there's just something "extra special" about music on vinyl.
If you like vinyl, buy a good TT. If you like CD, buy a GOOD cd player. Remember only sky is the limit.
I have heard a digital system that was so different from analog, that it was interesting on an intellectual level. I think it is possible to enjoy it just for that reason. I don't think it was as relaxing as vinyl. I would have to have this in my system(it's not commercially available, and I've tried twice to buy it.)long term to see if I could live with it. I have heard other digital systems sound good on certain songs.
In 2010, mister van den Hul (the well known Dutch cartridge designer), paid a visit to my place.
After having listened to some music, he stated: 'you have one of the few systems, where digital sounds as good as analogue'......