Interesting. I have lubricared the plastic disc clamp/spinning part. this is the plastic turning top that aids the transport/assemly...that is underneath. it is not the plastic that is causing the squeaking/squealing/"whirring" sound. That is the description I'd give it though but with a very "something is wrong" louder version. Some very slight(almost inaudiable across the room) Whirring is normal with this Mission/Magnavox/Philips design.
I'd have to try the off leveling but with care. the whole "suspension" is three or four springs the assembly sits on. Too far and it would get out of wack.
It used to have the 2 bolt down transit screws..they are lost(I'd love to find replacements)!
I'd have to try the off leveling but with care. the whole "suspension" is three or four springs the assembly sits on. Too far and it would get out of wack.
It used to have the 2 bolt down transit screws..they are lost(I'd love to find replacements)!