CD Player or New Format?

My CDP broke down. It is not worth effort fixing it. I have large collection of classical rebook CD's, but keep hearing how SACD's and DVD-a are much more superior to regular CD sound. Is there a such player that would play ALL of the formats mentioned? Which-one would you recommend?
I see I have classical CDs. There are a lot of classical SACDs and some classical DVD-A (from AIX records). the only problem is there isn't much in the way of multiple works, if you like to compare and contrast different conductors, orchestras, soloists, interpretations, etc. That's easy to do with redbook, but you really can't do that yet with SACD. but even still it's good that you like classical, since about the only thing available in numbers on SACD is classical and jazz.

How high of a class is your redbook player? Is is a world-class source? Are you looking for something comparable to your existing player? something better than your existing player? What is your budget?
I have a Marantz SA-12S1 Sacd player. It also does DVD-V as an add-on which I don't use. I plays Sacd's wonderfully well and plays Cd's better than I have yet heard previously. It listed for $3400, but I bought it for $1100. I have 30 Sacd titles and counting and buy hybrid when I can. They are no longer made but are available out there for deals. John
You guys are right. Not much there that i like on either SACD or DVD-a. I have had Cal Audio Tempest for about 10 years, and would like to believe that new CD players ARE better than the old ones. To spend? Less than $1000.
I admit I haven't heard it in a while, but I like the Roksan Kandy in the less than $1,000 range. Very musical sounding, but excessively rolled-off to sound smooth and relaxed.