CD new or used ? in the $700 range best value?

would you recomend Rotel 971, Cal Labs Dx-2 or a used Nami cd-3 for $350? or ? thanks David 714 215-5367.
The Naim cd-3 is a pretty good deal at this price. Smooth and among the best for the dynamics (like all Naims). And I love that sexy revolving door. I would (re)buy one. But the Rotel will be superior (lively too, lots of details and more), one of the best deal these days. (And it is HDCD...)
If you found a Naim CD-3 for $350, grab it and if you don't like it turn it around and double your money.
The Sony CDP-XA20ES is without question the most sophisticated CD player it it's price range. It shares the CD player mechanism with the $3000 Sony XA7ES, without question the finest CD player, period. Best chip set, best linearity, longest life, easiest to use.
The Naim is an absolute steal at that price. I think it listed for 1800. I have an all Naim system and think it's way ahead of other brands.