CAT vs VTL Sound

Can someone characterize how these differ sonically, regarding the cAT JL2/JL3 vs VTL450sig/750sig and how they might mate with Wilson speakers like Wilson Watt Puppy 7 or Maxx2?

Thanks for the answers. Whilst I would not say I have no familiarity with the VTL, there is some concern that the CAT amps might possibly be a little too "neutral" in the mids, and that while I don't want an overly warm fat and tubey sound that I don't want a tube amp that leans towards a solid state or bright sound in the treble ala Audio Research. Can anyone elaborate on how the high ends might compare?

Jack, I think your analysis nails it quite well here on all counts. I was an ARC amp owner for several years so I can relate well to the forward and fatiguing sound of these....but the VT130/VT150 models were not guilty of this. The Classic series was another story!

The VTL does not have the resolution and extension on the top like the CAT. But I think the issue of the trebles is a moot point based on the "too neutral" issue of the mids with the Wilson speakers. It sounds like the VTL 225 or even the 180 might just be what you're looking for. The Manley 250 is another model to consider here.

Of course it's not only an issue of tonality or dynamics but what about how the amp will allow the speaker to present a believable 3-dimensional soundstage? Pay close attention to these characteristics as well.


Can you elaborate on your comments re 3dimensional soundstage? Are you implying the CAT will do this as well or better than the others? How do you think the Manley 250 bass will be on Maxx2's?

Jack, I was simply bringing up the point that you should pay as much attention to the soundstage as the other attributes. Neither of these amps sound remotely the same tonally but there are other significant differences for you to focus on as well.
The reason I ask is that soundstaging and that 3 dimensional soundstage is the ultimate checklist item for me and one which I think the Maxx2 is eminently capable of and unlike any other loudspeaker I've heard and owned. I feel the layering, depth, and dimensionality of the Maxx2 has perhaps infinite potential commensurate with proper room setup,treatment, positioning etc. I have just never heard layering and imaging like this EVER - it's like surround sound but where you are inside of the soundfield- and I've heard just about everything out there (but not all). If I could find amps that synergize with this attribute and strength of the Maxx2 I would be in audio Nirvana. How would the amps you mention handle this? TIA