Cary slp-05 tubes rumor or fact?

Fellow audiophiles,

I would love to try the Black Treasure 6SN7 tubes in my Cary slp-05 preamp but am worried that their base is too large to fit into the openings on the top of the preamp. This same question has been asked before, but without response. Can anyone confirm or refute this?

You response is much appreciated!

Psvane 6sn7 is the same as the black treasure tube .But the tube base is a little smaller.I did try the Pope 6sn7 tube from Upscale audio and still preffered the stock EH 6sn7 tube .I'm now using Psvane 6sn7 in the 4 left and Sophia 6sn7 in the balanced and very happy with the sound.
Thanks Jtran.

I currently run four Hytrons and a pair of Cryo'd gold pin EH. But you now have me considering buying a quad of the Sophias and Psvanes and trying various combos. This could be fun!! How would you characterize the difference between the two?


Sophia sound like the EH ,but with much better definition and detail.The Psvane is even more detail and very organic.Very smooth from top to bottom.I would recommend having a quad of the Psvane on the 4 left first then a pair of Sophia at position #3 and #6.
I found this interesting explanation of Psvane tubes and its relationship to Shuguage and Black Treasures.

Psvance and Grant Fidelity

It seems that the Psvane 6sn7 is out of production while there new facility is coming on line. And, from the link, Black Treasures may not be available going forward in the US, or if they are they may not be up to the quality of the originals.

The tubes in the Cary newsletter look like they are ST tubes and might be Psvane from the Shuguage plant. Obviously, you can't be sure from the picture.

The tubes in the Cary newsletter are CV181-Z Shuguang Treasure tubes. I asked. BTW, the SLP-05 in the photo was privately owned and the owner had to modify the chassis to fit the tubes.