Cary SLAM 100 vs. Manley Snapper

Has anyone directly compared these two mono's?
If so what is your opinion?
I have a mint pair of SLAM 100s with boxes & new tubes if your search for Manleys doesnt come up as quickly as you like. Ive been very happy with them but I wanted to go back to SS as I located the amps that match the rest of my setup. Best of luck.

Philefreak, that is such a naive and uninformed statement when you have Mitch Margolis as the chief designer of this fine amp.

And PA? Do you even know what microphones, preamps, EQs and mastering limiters are? This is the very stuff that is used to make the very same music that you enjoy on your Carys!

PA indeed!

Oh, and does Cary wind their own trannies? I thought so.