Cary Audio DMS 700 vs 800 PV

I am the owner of a Cary Audio DMS 700 and I have been enthralled with its smooth yet detailed sonic characteristics. It approaches the wonderful sound quality I appreciate from my analog front end.  I sought it out to rebuild my system because we lost our home in a forest fire, and I thought I should get a high quality streamer so I would not have to try to replace all my lost CD's. I replaced the rest of my system with used gear (mostly from Audiogon) with equipment that was similar to my lost system, mostly next gen from what I lost. The system is Wilson Sasha 1, Krell Evolution 402e amp Krell Evolution preamp, VPI TNT VI turntable with Van Den Hul Crimson Stradivarius cartridge and Ayre phono stage with mostly Transparent Reference cables. I now will need another streamer in another part of the house. My question, for anyone out there, is has anyone had experience with the new Cary Audio DMS 800 PV in comparison to the 700, as I would consider upgrading if I could have the confidence that the sound quality is a notch finer compared to the 700, and then use to 700 in the ancillary system. Otherwise, I could just get the lesser DMS 650 in the ancillary system to use in a game room with a pair of used B&W 803D's I recently purchased. I would appreciate any feedback. Also, calling out to Benzman, who was instrumental in my stumbling upon the Cary streamer in the first place in case he has already upgraded:)


Thank you for the heads up! I was actually one of those customer reviewers as I had them send me one to try, and I ended up keeping it:)

Your welcome, are you using balanced ,or single-ended mode cables with your DMS 800?


Based on the one review on Cary's website comparing the DMS 700 to the DMS 800, there was not much difference sonically between the two using single-ended cables. I assume maybe this was your review?

I was maybe considering the DMS 800 PV , but I do not have the option of using Balance connections with my current preamp.

Not sure if there's any more current comments yet I own the DMS-700 and really enjoy it. The hobbyist side of me is looking to go to the next level yet I have unbalanced amp/pre and read the same article and nothing since.