Cartridge for JA Michell Orbe Se with Technoarm

I just purchased a used Orbe se with Technoarm. Looking for good cartridge to go with it. I am using Burmester 011 pre with built in phono. when stereophile tested this pre they recommended low output cartridge for this pre.
Basically anything will work fine other than really low compliance cartridges.

I have the same setup - Orbe with a Tecnoarm. Currently running an AT33PTG and it sounds very nice with the setup.
I purchased clearaudio talisman 2 gold. It sound good. I am going buy Benz too in the near future. Thanks everyone
I have been having great results using the Gyro SE MKII with SME V and Delos cartridge. So much so that i plan to upgrade the platter, springs and power supply to Orbe status.
I use a BAT VK-P10 phonostage with 72db of gain.