Cardas or Harmonic Technology

I'm pondering on whether to get Cardas Golden Reference interconnect or Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway Mk II. Since my area does not have both cables to audition, I wonder if any one has the chance to try and compare the two cables?

I have looked for used cable on Audiogon and found that the price difference between the two is hugh...may be around 2 times. Not sure if the sound improvement justify for the price tag of cardas. I heard a lot of good comments of Harmonic Tech and not sure if it is really as great as Cardas.

My current system consists of Plinius SA-250, Plinius CD-LAD. Going to upgrade my speakers to Eggleston Work Andra and CD player to Meridien 508.24.

I've done the A-B comparison between the two, and the Harmonic Technology clearly surpassed the Cardas in my system: Bat VK-200, Proceed Pre, Mark Levinson 36S, HHB 800-CDR (transport only), Harmonic Technology Pro 9 speaker cables,Spendor FL-10's, PS Audio P600, Lab cables.
You should try to audition both. It is highly system dependant. That said, I am familiar with both cables. In general ,if your system is a bit lush, the Cardas will dry it out a bit, if your system is a bit edgy, the H. Tech will
help to eliminate that edge, without sacrificing high end.
Bmpnyc, unfortunately I don't have the luxury to try out both cables where i live. But it sounds like both cables are about equal in performance and quality and the only real difference is the sonic characteristic. Does that justify for the 2-3 times higher price for Cardas?