Cardas Golden Power Cord.....

Has anyone tried this PC? Is it good? I'm trying to make my CDs more listenable and have heard that the Cardas products help on this in many cases, so I'm considering this PC. Does this PC could affect the sound in a bad way? Thanks for any comment. Yair.
The Ensemble PC's offer what the Cardas Golden does, but with more neutrality- I use them for digital.
I have used the cardas Golden croos and refrence PC. I was not impressed at all. very colored with poor imaging. wide soundstage; almost too wide ( ie, it felt exagerrated). When I used to own solid state gear, the cardas gear seemed to be a step up from the PCs provided by the manufacturers, but with my tube equipment which are far more revealing and trasparent, cardas clerarly is adding unwanted coloration. there are many better options out there