Cardas: Clear vs. Golden Reference

Seeking description of Cardas Clear line (any of them) as compared to the Cardas Golden Reference. Speaker and/or interconnect.

Context: For years I have run my system virtually all Cardas Golden Reference, even that every few years I try out other cables. (I did have a long happy spell with the original Audience AU24 speaker cables :)

Question: Is the Clear line an improvement at every price point, or just a different voicing? E.g. Golden Reference and Golden Cross struck me as similar levels of quality but different voicing, with CGR having more treble detail but being a bit less euphonic.

Hi. Anyone can advise how is the Cardas GR compared to the newest Clear Reflection? Should I get GR or CR if not much difference?
Clear Reflection is a better cable.

I never cottoned on to Golden Reference. I always preferred Golden Cross to it.