Canadian tariffs, duties, etc?

If I sell a piece of used audio equipment to someone in Canada, will I be responsible for any tariffs, duties, etc.?
Don't use UPS. They DO rip us off. I have been charged as much as 50% of the purchase price. Stehno is wrong in that there IS FedEx ground shipping to Canada and it's tracking system is second to none.
All the above is true. However, if the package coming from the US is sent USPS, there are no outrageous brokerage fees such as those charged by UPS or FedEx. My last purchase in Canada from the US was a $45 tube. After UPS arrived, I was out just over another $45. I am still simmering after that one. USPS would have left me with much more is my pocket!
Customs will be charged on goods that are not US origin in most cases about 6.5%, GST of 7% will also be payable and is payable from Canadian business purchases anyways.

Usually the buyer pays, and should be aware of the costs. But it depends on your arrangement.

I have had more reasonable fees from Fedex, and the USPS. for the customs brokerage. But if the item is large $ enough the buyer can clear it herself....
Sending them thru USPS, is cheaper, and the chance of
paying is very slim.This is my experience a month ago.
I have only purchased one piece of audio gear from a Canadian seller, that being a CJ preamp. The seller sent it marked as "gift" and no duties were charged. After reading some of the forums I assume this wasn't legal but also assume that it must happen all of the time. I was sort of miffed when he offhandedly remarked "I hope you don't have to pay any duties on this". I think he damn well should have brought it to my attention before we hashed out the shipping details.