Can I bridge Rotel RB 1080

Hey everybody, just bought a pair of B&W 800D and am really looking forward to them. A little problem, existing amp, a Rotel RB1080 (200w 8ohm), will not bring out the best in the 800D. I'm fairly confident it just does not have the grunt for the 800D. I do like the sound of the Rotel, so am thinking of finding another one and running a pair in bridged mode. If I understand things right, this would give 400w per channel and should provide enough power to make them sing. But I've also heard this would cause the Rotel to overheat. Can anyone shed light pls.
Welcome to the big leagues. B&W 800's - $24,000.00 (retail) Rotel rb 1080 (used) $600.00 just doesn't make sense and you will not get the sound the 800's can produce as you indicated. Please do yourself a favor and shop for a new amp and pre, and you will say " I can't believe I thought the Rotel sounded good????? My suggestion is McIntosh 400 watts and up. Your speakers can handle up to 1,000 watts! I've heard the 800's with Krell and it sounded amazing. Good clean power and you will be one happy man! Let us know what you decide on.
thanks for inputs. Am coming around to the imperative of more power, meaning minimum 400w per side, preferably monoblocks. But I'm not yet sold on the merits of say a 6000$ amp of 400w versus a 2500$ amp of same. I think the big influence on sound quality is the power of the amp...once you get to a certain point on watts its going to be really tough to tell the difference otherwise. As to Mcintosh..have always liked their looks, reliability, value, and raw power, but they seem to color the sound, esp in the mid range. Anyway..thanks for the views guys..
Toddmore, I also feel that your speakers need and 'deserve' MUCH-higher-quality amps. I have a pair of Vandersteen 5As, also rather power hungry, and I would have never believed the overall improvements in SQ by going with a higher-quality, much-higher-power amp. In my case I bought McCormack DNA-750 monoamps rated at 650 into 8 and 900 into 4.

My experiences with these amps are detailed here...

Here... a review of the predecessor DNA-500 stereo amp.

These are available (new) for $4995/pr. delivered in the US. Buy a pair; you won't be sorry. I'm so pleased with mine, I just bought a McC DNA-HT5, a 125Watts-times-5-channel amp to replace a bunch of Marantz MA500s driving center and surround channels.
Color the sound? McIntosh makes you feel the music! You will feel it in your chest, and it will involve you in the music that the artist intended for you to feel. Please don't listen to a salesman that doesn't sell McIntosh. Listen and feel the joy! Face the music and free the soul.