Al got it. It's just a high pass filter.
I found this. I think it's funny. You might not.
Hi! I'm your friendly amp technician! I live perhaps thousands of miles outside the range of hearing and seeing your amp - even when it's turned up and working! So I've devised this handy questionnaire! In order to help me more efficiently diagnose and repair the problem with your amplifier please respond to the following points:
1. Describe your problem:
2. Now, describe your problem accurately:
3. Speculate wildly based on faulty knowledge about almost everything
just what's the cause of your problem:
4. Please indicate the severity of your problem:
A. Minor___ B. Trivial___ C. Minor___ D minor, the saddest of all keys___
5. Nature of problem:
A. Sounds bad___ B. Sounds really bad___ C. No sound___
D. Strange smell___ E. Smells really bad twice___
6. Was your amp plugged in?
Yes___ No___
7. Was it turned on?
Yes___ No___
8. Did you try to fix it yourself?
Yes___ No___
9. If so, did you make it worse?
Yes___ Yes___
10. Did you have a "friend" who "knows all about amps" try to fix it
for you?
Yes___ No___
11. If so, did they make it worse?
12. Have you read your manual?
No___ No___
13. Do you have the manual?
Maybe___ No___
14. Are you absolutely SURE you read the manual?
I was going to___ No___
15. If you think you read the manual, do you think you UNDERSTOOD it?
Yes___ No___
16. If YES, explain why you can't fix the problem yourself:
17. What were you DOING TO your amplifier at the time the problem occurred?
18. If you answered "nothing", explain why you think there's a problem:
19. Do you have another amp you can use while you wait to take this one
to a repair shop like you should have done in the first place?
Yes___ No, I prefer to be out of commission longer___
20. Are you sure you're not imagining the problem?
Yes___ No___
21. Does the clock on your DVD player always blink 12:00?
Yes___ That's a clock?___
22. Do you have an independent witness to the problem? (Does not
include drummers)
Yes___ No___
23. Have you given the amplifier a good whack on top?
Yes___ No___
24. Did the amplifier catch fire?
Yes___ Not yet___
25. Has the foam or insulation inside your speaker enclosure
ever caught fire?
Yes___ No___ Huh?___
26. Did the insulationy stuff inside your speaker BOX catch fire?
Yes___ No___
27. If so, did you replace it with an approved dampener?
No, enough beer gets spilled in there to keep it safe___
No, the cat whizzes in there after a good scratch on the
carpet anyway___
<-- greenboy ---<<<<