California Audio Show- a great time

I just retuned from two days at the show. In my opinion, the best audio show I have ever attended. The hosts were exceptionally friendly and played anything and everything listeners brought in. There are always some megabuck systems that sound stellar and this show was no exception, but I thought almost all the small rooms had great sound also. I'm going to say maybe 80 percent of the rooms were getting nice sound and that never happens in hotel rooms. I enjoyed meeting a lot of audiophiles who came to have a good time, hear some great music and dream of our next audio purchases. If you get a chance, go to this show. Constantine and his staff know how to throw a great party!
I had a great time this year at the show. I concur completely with the other posts regarding the very friendly reception from almost every room. After allowing me to play one of my cd's in one room, I was asked if I wanted to play anything else. I ended up playing songs off of three disks! Of course at the time the room was experiencing a little "lull in the action", but WOW!

My favorite two rooms were:

Vivid and Margules.

Did anybody else like the Margules room? They sounded great even way off axis. Great soundstage, bass(17 Hz) and dynamics. They have an active subwoofer too.

I'm looking for new speakers, but I've never heard of them.

A great show. I went two days, and will follow up with a synopsis for those interested. A job well done by all involved. Jallen
I also went to the show, but thought many of the rooms were too small. As a result, it was difficult to get a sweet spot, the sound was at times not integrated, and there was some bass issues - more than the typical show conditions which is already problematic. I very much like Evolution Acoustics speakers, but I end up listing to the right speaker about 2 to 3 ft from it - and of course, much less than ideal. I thought the MBL room was great.
My favorite rooms were Audio Note and MBL.

There a couple rooms which I thought had a lot potential but hindered themselves greatly with amps that weren't up to the level of the speakers.