Cal Audio CL-10 and Theta GenVa - - - TLC?

Looking for opinions as to level of improvement that could be expected by adding a Theta TLC to the above system. I know it is an inexpensive tweak, but do not want to end up with an extra piece of equipment and coax cables if the addition will not make a noticable difference. I have talked with a few people, and get answers ranging from "dramatic" to "maybe slight" improvement. Would appreciate input.


Two things concerning the TLC:

1) The Coax connections have a common ground, so if you go in Coax and out Coax the Jitter will increase about 600%. If you go in Optical and out Coax Jitter drops by 82%.

2) The TLC works great in my system, but twice as nice with the 9v TLC Power Supply Upgrade!
I rechecked the test data on the TLC when hooked up Coax in and Coax out and found that the amount of increased Jitter is 16% and not 600% which was the amount of increased Jitter associated with the AA DTI+ when hooked up in this manner.