Cable Elevators

Just curious if anyone is using cable elevators and what changes they brought about. I have read there are benefits to having cables raised off the carpet.
Old thread but -- elevating my cables off the ground with pillows dramatically reduces induced RFI (local radio station) that I can otherwise hear through the speakers at a close listening distance. Elevate them, and I need to hold my ear up to the panel to hear a (now very faint) radio station. So there are electrical differences that affect cables when they lie on the ground, at least for some systems. In my case, the "floor" is concrete. I imagine the boundary may have a positive effect on the EM field that expands around the cable as well.
Had a pair of totem forest when I first tried this (2007) wife heard a clarity that wasn't there before...never looked back or questioned it again.
I just use tennis balls to lift the cables.  I was using Wilson tennis balls but I've found that Slazenger balls work better.  Also, yellow balls seem to be the balls you want.  No white.
Since they took down the pylons between the electricity substation and our town, and buried the cables instead, the sound quality of my system has changed for the worse.  Guess what?  Looser bass, narrower soundstage, and slower guitars!