Buzz coming from power amp - not through speakers

Hi, first post here. I just picked up a Harmon Kardon PA5800 off ebay. It sounds great, no issues there. However, the amp itself makes an intermittent hum/buzzing noise (ie, the sound comes out of the amp unit, not through the speakers). It fades in, peaks, then fades back out with a period of about 5-7 seconds. Sometimes it's not noticeable at all, but occasionally it's loud enough to hear even with a moderate volume level through the speakers.

Anyone have ideas? DC noise on the AC line? Basic service needed, ie new filter caps? (I'm a tube guitar amp guy, not even sure this type of amp has filter caps).
If it's loud enough to hear over moderate volume music, I'm guessing it's not the typical transformer "buzz". The periodic nature of it concerns me. Of course, trying the typical fixes for that problem described by others can't hurt. Not sure I'd go so far as resoldering all of the joints until you figure out if there is a bigger problem.
The PA5800 is not an amp I would put too much work into. When I owned one,there was a distinct drop in overall volume level anytime I switched from two-channel playback to multi-channel. I replaced it with an Onkyo AVR, which was a surprisingly better performer.
I picked it up on ebay for $135, so I don't have much invested in it. I wouldn't be able to hear it over music, but it was audible while watching TV due to the pauses and breaks in the audio. I'll probably just live with it for a while and upgrade to something a bit nicer a few months down the line.
If you are using it with a TV, then you very possibly have a ground loop problem related to your cable or satellite box.
I use the L & R audio outputs from my satellite box to feed my receiver and not the outputs from the TV. I just mute the TV speakers.
Yep, I that's what I was doing. RCA outs from the directv box to a Marantz AV7005 and into the H/K, with the TV speakers set to zero. I would be running everything HDMI through the Marantz but I don't have cables long enough yet. I'm going to be rearranging the whole room over the next couple weeks, so it's possible that a new outlet and/or different location in the room could clear it up.