budget USB S/PDIF converter?

long time lurker. thanks in advance for all the amazing info here.

looking for a budget (under $100) solution for usb > s/pdif from my PC laptop. this is a temp solution as i'll be upgrading to a dedicated PC for music that will have digital outs (btw, would love a recommendation for a good sound card with digital out too if anyone has one).

thanks in advance.
any chance that the PC industry will use digital audio out over CAT-5 cable in the future? Ran into a shop at the Capital Audio show who thought this was a better cable option than USB.
I just bought a HLLY MMK-I 24bit/96k USB to SPDIF off eBay for $70 or so. It works amazingly well. Add a 10v dc wall wart and it kicks it up another notch. Remove the power feed leg in the USB cable altogether and it sounds even better. It doesn't do anything over 96k, however. What a great sounding unit. No complaints.
thanks again everyone.

i'm debating between shiit bifrost and emotiva dac.

re: USB vs optical, it seems optical produces better results. as for a high end sound card, isn't that redundant (or rather pointless?) if you're out to a nice DAC? i thought the whole point of a PC music server is to circumvent all internal hardware to get to the DAC as directly as possible.
Davide256 - already being done. It's called Play To and available on Win8. There are several CE manufacturers that have in on their receivers, including Yamaha. These of course are not high-end implementations, so they will probably not beat a CD transport.

There are fewer hoops to jump through with Ethernet, but USB performance can match it with the right software/hardware.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
"USB vs optical, it seems optical produces better results. as for a high end sound card, isn't that redundant (or rather pointless?)"

Actually no. The jitter from a USB interface can be much lower than Toslink from the computer. The DAC will not reduce jitter significantly, so you need it to be low going into the DAC. Anything that you have read to the contrary is marketing BS IME.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio