Budget DAC

In my home theatre setup I have a Pioneer DVD,and an old Phillips(880)CD player.Is there a DAC under 1000.00(used or new)that would make a noticeable improvement.Is there anything out there that has 2 inputs,so I could run both(DVD and CD) into it.I appreciate any advice.Thanks,and Happy Holidays. John
As an alternative to the above, I would suggest a used Micromega dac, either the Duo BSII or the Microdac. They are available used for $200-300. These dacs will not offer the last word in resolution, but they sound more musical than the dacs I have compared them to, which include a Theta Pro Basic II, MSB Link I and Bel Canto. I have had success using Micromega dacs with a Marantz cd94 as a transport, although they benefit from better tranports. These are dacs for someone who wants to relax and enjoy the music as opposed to trying to wring every last detail out of their discs.
another art di/o recommendation - check the info here, & on the audio asylum's digital board. only one digital input, but at the price, you can afford to get two di/o's! :>)

doug s.

just ran across a phillips 880 cd player for $89.undecided to get ior not.what makes it a good cd player? What about repairs? why is an outboard dac necessary