Bryston 7B Vs. Krell KAV250a

I need help in picking out a better amp between the Bryston 7B and the Krell KAV250a.

A pair of mono block Bryston 7B's at 500W/channel
Krell KAV-250a at 250W/channel

Thanks in advance.
Adressing Dave1117 and Pbb's coments regarding what I said...First off(Dave1117), I think this gengtleman was discussing the Bryston 7b mono's, and not the 14b which you own. I was refering to ONLY THE 7B'S when I said "the Brystons"!
I've heard the 7b's in NUMBEROUS set ups, with varrying types of speakers. And I, yes, personally don't think they bellong within "A MILES DRIVE" of Class A rating! I just don't think they're that special of an my oppinion, yes.
Infact, I place them in the same sonic catagory of your bassic Parasound and many Adcom amplifiers, of which I've sold many over the years! I'm sure many oppions will varry.
But since this is "my oppinion", I reserve that right. But, let me re-state the situation by saying "I DON'T FIND, SPECIFICALLY, THE BRYSTON 7b AMPS to sound as good as they are rated" (which are the same as LEXICON's mono's,just differnt label) I appologize if I offended anyone's "personal perfernce" by my bold statement previosly.
But, for the record, I do agree a lot with what you said("Pbb") regarding the "advertising side of things", and the beaurocracy involved there. Still however, personally knowing what you said(Pbb) is true, I have issue with "respectable" audio mags intentionally "AND BLATANTLY" sqewing reviews that will mislead well meaning audiophiles into thinking something that's not really foundationally honest and true!..all in the name of "advertising dollars". Hummmm....
OOoops. Let me retract those coments towards "Pbb"..they were supposed to be to Dave1117, who refered to the "advertising" issues
I Own The Krell KAV250a . I own a few different amps .Adcom . B&K and Anthem .
The Adcom 555 / 555II blows the Krell away . If you're into detail and imaging the Adcom is by far better than the Krell even though it's roughly a third of the price .Just because something is expensive doesn't mean it's better .
The Krell may have a slight edge in bass detail , but very slight . Don't listen to the negative hype about Adcom .Adcom makes a tight ballsy affordable amp .
When I first hooked up the Krell I could not believe the detail lost when compared to the Adcom . Don't get me wrong , The Krell is a nice smooth sounding amp , but if you're looking for detail/imaging check out any Adcom 200wpc amp will hear a stark difference .
I prefer the Krell sonically over the 7B. I currently own 2 KAV 250a/3 and a pair of MDA 500's.
However there are some (even if not sonic) neat advantages to Bryston. The cost of ownership of the Bryston can be lower. A 20 year warranty is fantastic when the unthinkable happens, as it often does (and Krell service is NOT cheap). I like the extra power of the 7B (500w) but appreciate the 250a's sound, design philosophy and ability to double down into 4Ω more.