Bryston 4B3 or Ps Audio M700 monoblock?

I'd like to replace my 20 year old Bryston 4B SST with a new amplifier, solid state or hybrid. I have been considering the 4B3 and the PS Audio BHK 250. Both got great reviews but I am a bit concerned about the midrange withe the 4B3 and I do not like the amount of heat that the BHK 250 is  reported to produce. I am thinking now of the PS Audio M700. These are efficient class D and do not produce much heat. The M700 has also been reviewed favorably. It's a stereophyle class A.
I appreciate any thoughts on this, an din particular if you have experience with these amps.
OP has been pretty quiet, I am now curious if he did order the PS M700 and if so what does he think vs. the Bryston 4BSST.  Since the 4BSST was my main amp for many years (and I still own one) this will be a somewhat reasonable comparison...
Hello Karl,

      Yes, no doubt the Bryston 4BSST is a very competent amp.  I've read very positive professional reviews of the class D M700s but have never personally heard them.  I'm also looking forward to hearing his impressions, hopefully he'll be posting again soon.

Sorry for not posting for a while. It's been hectic 
unfortunately i have to delay purchase until the beginning of the new year.

I will make sure to post impressions once I do.

Thanks again to all.

Well we had a nice chat and I learned a few things.
Thanks for the update and have a great rest of the year...