Bryston 3B

hi audiophile outthere!, I currently grabed bryston original 3B for $500 CAN, but I am exhausted of finding the specs for original 3B. I really want to know what level of THD + noise it carries. any comments I appriciate
The 100W/c, THD was 0.01% SN was in the order of 100db or slightly over. I tried searching through some audio rags that I have but unfortunately the ones with this exact info are gone.

After moving about over the years I got tired of packing and unpacking these things so during the last move I either gave or disposed of literally boexes of these things. :o(

Hope this is of some help.

these originated in 1977 and were purposly underrated, infact every 4B made was 280 watts per side plus or minus 4 watts, during that time they came rated at 200, then 250 watts [but the output remained unchanged], in the case of the 3B I THINK it was actually 147± per side but rated at first 100, then 120, but as I never owned 3B's back then I never was that concerned and I am therefor not certain.

I recently purchased a 3B and needed some info as well. I sent an e-mail off to the Bryston service centre (check the website) with the serial number and they are sending me the info by mail.

Hope that helps.