Bridging mono amps

So, here is a strange question: How can I bridge 2 mono amps?

I am trying to optimise the sound from all the equipment I have. I am currently running 2 systems with identical amplification - each has a Musical Fidelity MVT preamp and 4 MA-50 monoblock Class A 50w poweramps, vertically bi-amped. The bedroom system is using Acoustic Energy AE-1s, while the listening room is using Proac Response 3.5.

So, since I have 8 identical MA-50 mono amps, I am wondering if I can bridge pairs of them to increase power to the Proacs.

BTW, does anyone have an MVX or MX preamp stashed away that they'd sell?

Thanks, Samir.
Jumper the Lo (black) posts together.
Wire your speaker across the Hi (red) posts.
Drive one amplifier with an inverted signal. (How to do this is your problem).
Thanks very much. . Driving the amps w/ an inverted signal is easy..the preamp has 2 pairs of outputs, 1 pair is inverted.

How do I figure out the polarity of the speaker wires? Does the red go to the amp thats getting the regular non-inverted preamp out?

Any thoughts on the advisability of doing this? What sonic benefits and tradeoffs should i except?

Don't do it! Sell one set of 4 amps and replace them with a pair of more powerful amps...
Bridging mono amps is easy, especially since you have inverting outputs. You would notice a bigger difference if you tried to bridge a stereo amp that shared a power supply. The monos may actually sound a tad worse, as the supply rails will now have to deal with twice the voltage swing on the output.

If they are true Class A, the differences may not be as audible in either case. But since they are bridged, the effective load impedance is now half of what it was, and they probably do not operate in Class A all the time now.