Bridged NADs vs. Rotel Ra - 1062


I am new in this music technology field, so I wanted to ask

your advice and opinion :)

I am buying amps did some research and form my budget ~(350 eur)

I found these options:

1. Bridged Nads , power amp and amp Nad 2400 and 3020a

2. Bridged Nads, power amp and amp c270 and c370

3. Rotel Ra-1062

Ar these options good? What would you choose from these?  

Or maybe you would choose neither of those, and know some

better option :) ?

My music is : classic rock, rock , blues rock, metal.

Any advice/observation would be really helpful!

I would be really grateful for your help! 🙂




@grislybutter Thank you very much! You explained everything very clearly! I learned a lot! 


I wonder which one would be better Rotel Ra-1062 or Nad c356bee?




Im more into Nad somehow. Maybe its more suited to rock music?


After buying amp I will have time and will look for speakers 🙂 I think I will look for used, second hand too, because new ones would be pricey. I think my budget for speakers would be 500euro. If thats enough to buy something decent 🙂

Both Rotel and NAD are good brands. They had better some models over the years, and some not so great ones, it's a volatile business to be in.

If you are lucky, you will find good speakers for 500 EURO.

Check out  Speakers tend to drop a fair amount in price after a few years, when you are ready, you could start a post with your questions about speakers in that topic


Thank you very much for the help! 

And thank you for the website! Really useful!

Have a good day!