Bridged NADs vs. Rotel Ra - 1062


I am new in this music technology field, so I wanted to ask

your advice and opinion :)

I am buying amps did some research and form my budget ~(350 eur)

I found these options:

1. Bridged Nads , power amp and amp Nad 2400 and 3020a

2. Bridged Nads, power amp and amp c270 and c370

3. Rotel Ra-1062

Ar these options good? What would you choose from these?  

Or maybe you would choose neither of those, and know some

better option :) ?

My music is : classic rock, rock , blues rock, metal.

Any advice/observation would be really helpful!

I would be really grateful for your help! 🙂




@mm1tt77 @grislybutter

Thank you very much! Im reading and trying to learn! 🙂

I got confused with that bridging thing. So those bridged Nads, I could only use one speaker with them? They guy who sells bridged Nads told me that I can use two sets of speakers (4 in total) with bridged 3020a and 2400.

There are some amps in 100 euro price range , Nad 3020a , Sansui Au 217, nad 3120, Nad c326bee

But I was thinking to spend little bit more, like 350euro, maybe the music quality will be better ? for 300 350 price range there is Musical Fidelity A100, Rotel Ra 1062, Nad c356bee, c372.

@mistermonitors you can have mono blocks that are just mono or stereo units with a mono switch. If it has four binding posts for speakers, it's a 2 channel stereo unit. I would stick to simple. 2 speakers 2 channel amp. 

I would say, look up reviews of these models and also look at features you definitely don't need and move items up your list that ONLY has features that you do need. Simple in high end audio is always better. 

@grislybutter @mm1tt77 @musicfan2349 @assetmgrsc @mesch @loomisjohnson @cleeds 

Thank you everyone. I want to say I am very sorry, I didn't use the correct terminology. After reading this thread I did some research.

I said "bridge". That was the wrong word to use. Im very sorry.

​​​What I meant was ""stereo system with a preamp and power amp combination"

I thought that what is bridging... I am very sorry about that.

"When you connect the NAD 3020a as a preamplifier to the NAD 2400, you are using the NAD 3020a's preamplifier function to control the sound and send the signal to the NAD 2400. The NAD 2400 will act as a power amplifier, amplifying the signal received from the NAD 3020a and delivering power to two speakers."

So,  I want to compare, not two bridged nads 2400 and 3020a, or c270  and c370, but "stereo system with a preamp and power amp combination" vs. Rotel Ra- 1062.

I guess this changes the certain things on this topic?

Im very sorry again! You wrote a a lot about bridging and its details pros/cons. Im very sorry for your time 🥺 But it helped me a a lot! If not you, I wouldn't have learned that!


no worries @mistermonitors we are not born with obscure knowledge about audio equipment

You can have a preamp and amp, but at your price range, an integrated is better (Rotel) 

Just as a clarification

NAD 2400 Power Amp

NAD 3020 Integrated

NAD C270 Power Amp

NAD C370 Integrated

 Rotel Ra- 1062 - Integrated

Nothing on this list is a preamp. You don't need a power amp for an integrated. An integrated is a whole package, a power amp is redundant 

It sounds like whoever wants to sell you these NADs is pushing hard and totally confused you.. 


Thank you for understanding!

I saw threads "bridged amps" , "bridging amps" and I thought that connecting two amps is bridging! But now I learned (thanks to you all) that its not 🙂 that its not!

This thing about those Nads c370 and 3020a being not real preamps but integrated I knew 🙂 At least I know something 😁 

But I thought that connecting two good Nads into stereo system would produce good quality sound, and they are in my price range ,so that's why I taken them in account.

Honestly, that who sells those Nads doesn't push me at all. I just asked about amps in local facebook group and he said he have those (2400 and 3020a) if Im interested and thats all. The thing is, that then I learned that you can combine two amps into one stereo system. I checked local ads, and found a set of c270 and c370 for sale in my price range and also taken them into account.

Then I will think about nad c356bee vs. rotel ra 1062. Prices are very similar, Nad being little bit cheaper. But I guess price doesn't determine quality.

chatgpt is pushing me for Nad c356bee 😁