Brave man, McGowan...

Brave for sure. This will alienate a bunch of people. All cable haters and snake oilers. Very risky business for Paul to post this in public forum. 

I will second  emailists' post regarding the Niagara 7000. It is pretty cool that this conditioner accepts power amp input/connection without degrading, stealing  its sound quality.  I have only auditioned Ayre electronics plugged into the Niagara 7000.

Happy Listening!

I want to add a few comments.  Anyone who says that " McGowan’s products are way overrated POS!" is either ignorant or has an ax to grind.I have been a strong proponent of their power regenerators since the days of the premier power plant. Have owned the PPP,  the P5,  P10,P15, and now the P20.  They make a huge difference and everyone i know who uses them agrees with me.  I have a friend who read Paul's post about the power cords and was using a Pangea cord for the 20 amp connection.  He purchased a Audioquest Thunder power cord which is way less $$ than the Dragon, and he found it to make a nice difference over the Pangea.  It does not make sense and even Paul, from his comments, does not understand it,  but these things do matter.  I admire his courage for throwing that out there.   He has a very high level of integrity and does not act from a place of greed or manipulation.
Paul is one of the finest human beings I have met in my lifetime, and that's certainly a bit of time. Especially in this world of imemy and trolls...
McGowan mentioned “ These power cords are stupid expensive “ 
Well I think he’s right about the stupid part of it ,

heh for those saving up for that $10.000 game changing end all mother of power cords here’s your chance at only spending 1/2 the price for that sonic elevating length of wire .,,

Just purchased an incredible $10K power amp. It brought my whole system to life - a huge deep stage, with detail, texture and timber I could never have imagined. WOW! just replaced my old ICs! The new $5K ICs make such an improvement on my $10K amp; I can't hardly believe how much better it sounds. WOW!  I just added an end all $10K power re-generator to my system - I can't believe how bad all that terrible grid power was making my system sound. WOW!! You'll never believe how much better my system sounds after adding a $10K power cable to my $10K power re-generator. Just when I thought my system couldn't possibly sound any better, I put a new supper-dupper carbon fiber (coated with Graphene) cover over my $500.00 audiophile outlet. It was like removing a vail.
All satire of course, but in some cases - more fact than fiction. You can see how ridicules this all may sound too some.......Jim