Boulder amps v,s Levinson amps

has anyone carried out a straight comparison between the Boulder 1060 power amp and the Levinson range of power amps,i compared the 1060 Boulder with a Levinson 336 and i must say in most situations and with most music it blew the Levinson away,the boulder was more dynamic more life like and more transparent.
One of my customers in Atlanta has a lot of experience with Boulder amps. He reports that they are very dynamic, with clean bass. I'll try to get detailed info on the one in question from him next time we talk. FWIIW, he is not fond of their preamps; a sentiment that I have heard from many other sources.
Ask Hifi Knopf in Düsseldorf. He carries Boulder and a lot of other exotic stuff. To him Boulder produces by far the best amps money can buy.
Hi,I have compared these two Amps and the Boulder is definately a cut above the ML336,the bass on the Boulder is very sharp and defined and also the Boulder is more transparent.The Levinson 336 has a very powerfull sound but is also very unreliable,surge resistors can blow at power up.
Anybody who is up to buying a Boulder power amp must be aware that boulders are not speaker friendly amps. A friend who has boulder 2010/1050 combination had to buy Mcintosh mc 275/Leben for Kharma speakers(the one second most expensive in reference range.)
Rubbish. I've run Boulder 1050s with my Kharma speakers for a few years and moved up to the 2060 about 3 years ago. One Boulder-Kharma combination is one if the most neutral and transparent pairing you can get today. Your friend probably had a problem specific to him/his ears.