BMI power cord with Musical Fidelity KW 500amp

Hi,anyone have good experience with BMI PC with KW 500 amp or another PC ? where can i purchase the PC in States, if possible email address.Tks

Keep in mind you need a 20 amp IEC "female" termination on the cable. You may want to check out the Elrod Statement 20 amp PC as well.

Thanks for your input,do you have experience with Elrod statement 20 amp PC, are they warm,tranparent and huge soundstage,I' m using Tranparent PLMM PC with 20mp termination, Wanted to try different PC for my amp and how about other PC e.g VD master, Shunyata Anaconda alpha helix?
Hi. I live in England and have been a big fan of Musical Fidelity and currently have the KW500.I was very disappionted when I first listened to it but it gradually got better as the hours of use went by. I then replaced the Audience power cord that I was using with a Shunyata Alpha Anaconda and things got dramatically better.Everything seemed to fall into place, the bass tightend up significantly ,sound stage widened and the sound was more alive. I am no expert but I am delghted with the KW500 and Anaconda combination.
Here is the link for BMI Cables.