Has anyone tried this combo, and can share their expreience?
do they mate well sound wise, enough power ?
i cant audition hem together.
i listen to rock ,jazz ,some pop.
my other option is the plinius 9200, wich i heard with the spendor (very good).

Thank you,

Hi Chadlesko,

I know very well the sound of NORDOST, I had the blue heaven and heard the red dawn and spm, i did not like the sound of the blue heaven-too bright in the upper midrange , and like most silver plated- brighter then life.
pure silver cables like acoustic-zen silver reference avoid that kind of sound. but in the end its all mix and match ;) , wich bring me to the question how will the Nscs match the spendors s8e?
unfortunately, no experience with Blue Circle amps...let me know if you go that way.
I will, btw nice system you have Chadlesko, you must be enjoying lots of music with the Spendors ;)