Has anyone tried this combo, and can share their expreience?
do they mate well sound wise, enough power ?
i cant audition hem together.
i listen to rock ,jazz ,some pop.
my other option is the plinius 9200, wich i heard with the spendor (very good).

Thank you,

I'm a BC dealer...I have two customers with NSCS using Spendor S5E speakers and are very happy. I can't comment on the specifics since I've not spent enough time with the combo to really have a credible opinion...
Thanks for the info Philnyc.
I wish i could hear the NSCS before buying it......
BTW- have you compared the 9200 with the NSCS?
just chiming in to say choose the s8e's over the s5e's if you can...i traded up after 4 mo with the s5e's...the 8's cast a much greater soundstage and play with a lot more ease!

i've used musical fidelity's a5 with great i am on to rogue 150 mono blocks, but that is away from the direction you are heading. just be encouraged that the spendors do wonderful with solid state!
Lior, I've never compared the NSCS with the 9200 directly...sorry I can't give you additional insight for this comparison...