Blue Circle Integrated CS Amplifier

I am almost positive that I will get great feedback, but I am about to order a Blue Circle Integrated. Not really much specific on Audiogon or elsewhere beyond "It's Great"! Any owners care to share experiences, or how they have matched the amp with speakers? Thanks in advance.
I too love the cs integrated
Best bang for your buck integrated amplifier

Solid state design that sounds like "tube

I have it running my Monitor Audio GR10's and it sounds very smooth and not "bright" sounding which MA speakers are known to sound
Thanks mike.

I have made the decison to get one and,I guess you could say I have one on order.

Now I am trying to thinks of some speakers that will be a good match.
I have a CS integrated paired with Spendor s5es. I love the combo. However, the Spendors are only of medium efficiency and do not sound great at low levels with the CS. I have to turn the volume to about 12 o'clock to get a good sound. I would not match the CS with speakers less efficient that the Spendors (87). That being said, it is a quality component that is well worth the money.
A crazy late follow up, but I got a CS last year FINALLY and love it. Matches very very well with the JM Reynaud Twin Signatures...
I have a NSCS unit, which I love, and will say that my unit took a LOONNNGGGG time to break-in. It sounded great out of the box and has only inproved over time.