Biggest Sonic Improvement

What is the biggest sonic improvement you have ever made to your audio system. Mine was a surprise to me. I replaced my Audioquest PT6 tonearm on my VPI turntable with a VPI JMW Memorial tonearm. The improvement in the sound nearly knocked me off my feet. I never realized a tonearm coud make that much difference in sound. How about some of you guys, what has your most exciting improvement been.
when I started to listen to sota PCs. King cobra or FIM power cords are the best upgrade I have experienced. I never would have thought this. Hearing is believing.
I recently moved my gear from a room that was 16 feet wide by 18 feet long 8 foot ceiling to a room that is 18 feet wide by 15 feet with a cathedral celing 10 feet up to 18 feet.I could of spent 5k more in the other room and not achieved the same sonic improvment.