Big Mcintosh MC1000 pwr amp s?

comment's from user's on these big mono bloc's.
are the new MC1201's better?
Class '58 then? me '59...I know how it feels...

The amps are doing wonderfully. Thanks.

All the best with your search, I myself went back to vinyl only a few years ago, was also caught by the "perfect sound forever" thing for too long.
Now I do both, it's like having a bike and a car.
Practical as a car the CDs are, but nothing beats the fun of a bike on a twisted road or the joy of spinning a vinyl. Sure, please let me know wich progresses you make.
brgds, Marcelo
I have read some of the posts above.
The slow sound that someone described, it's partly depending of the speaker choice. A speaker is very sensitve about the poweramplifiers damping factor. If the filters/drivers in the speakers are designed to work with high damping factor amps and one connects them to an amplifier like Mcintosh. That is, a design with very low damping factor, the speaker will not behave as intended. This is actually a fact, that also determine the sonic character of the speaker (overall sound) also. This is something users should look more into before judging amplifiers or speakers. Otherwise the compairson come out a little unjust!
Can any one help me. I am presently running a trio of mini utopias (JM Lab) for my HT in the front. I am looking into Mcintosh
for power amps. Someone here locally is offering me 3 Mc 1000's at a reasonable price believe it or not. Is this too much power for the speakers? Thanks . Elias.