Big caps v Little caps

I'm not an EE guy, so its ok to talk down to me. I'm just curious. I've noticed 'older' amps (Robertson Audio Forty-Ten) and certain brands (eg Hafler) and 'unusual" brands (Pathos) use just a couple of giant capacitors, while most of the mainstream equipment I see, seem to use lots of smaller caps.
I bet someone can explain this to satisfy my curiosity?
IME it depends, EG.

if we are retrofitting a clasic tube amp, we may have to go for only as many good filter caps in the original spot,s unless there is a lot of room elsewhere, but wa can often raise the value uf wise while staying near the original dimensions, if the rectifier/s are up to it, (rectifier tubes generally aren't), and if we have a choke, or can fit one in.

you CAN get most of the ESR benefits of paralleling up small caps, with some modern large electros at least, AND their is always bypassing.

All the filter caps in my 2 modded baby Leak St20's, are bypassed with ladders of MF polyprop and polystyrene caps.

Tim B
Boy, am i glad that this thread came up again. I re-read my post above and it is backwards. Gs had it right i.e. bigger caps have a lower ESR. I can remember posting this late at night, which is when i do most of my posting. I must have been very tired to confuse the issue / reverse the situation. I apologize for posting incorrect info and hope that this hasn't caused any inconvenience for anyone. The other comments pertaining to cost and manufacturing considerations are still valid, even if i did screw up the technical stuff : ) Sean

PS... As i tuck my tail between my legs, hang my head and wander away slowly.....
can anyone please give me information on how many watts output power a 4010 has? how do i get more info about the 4010? about the company?thanks