BHK Sig. 250 ?

Anyone hear the new BHK Signature amp from PS Audio ?
Bascom King has designed some well respected amplifers
for other companies, so this should be pretty special.
Your take ?
I am an owner of the amp. You can see some brief comments under the above post "My Therapy", which is currently showing in the forum (at least for today). There are also a lot of posts on the PS website, where there was extensive beta testing. Bottom line is I think the amp is terrific. It is my understanding that it is supposed to be reviewed in one of the upcoming industry publications.
Paul demoed the BHK amp(s) at THE Show Newport last summer. So typical show
conditions with unfamiliar room and components, but I still came away impressed.
It was a fairly large room and partnered with Legacy speakers. Very clean,
detailed, and dynamic, but I was not familiar with any of the other components or
the musical selections. And now I'm not sure if the utilized the stereo model or the
then new monos.

Bottom line - I believe anyone shopping in this power/price range certainly should
include the BHK for a personal audition.