Better for Separates Newbie: Rotel or Adcom?


Trying to decide between Rotel-based or Adcom-based separates. These are what I can afford in the "up to $1250" category.

Just looking for two channel amplification and preamp. Have decided against entry level integrated tubes (Synthesis). As yet, no decision on speakers.

Thanks so much,
Put your hard earned cash into a decent integrated unit. The monies you'd have spent on marginal interconnects can be applied to the integrated unit.
There's nothing wrong with buying a used solid state unit.
Many a unit comes up for sale on the gon that is only months old. The buyer made a mistake, is willing to take his lumps, and is selling just to get the mistake out of sight.
Hello, folks,

Again, thanks for so much discussion! I really appreciate it!

I have decided on the Rotel gear instead of the Adcom models, but I wonder if, also in a similar price range, I should consider the boutique "Channel Islands Audio". I've heard great things about them, but maily through reviews - little from owners.

Also, The_kid & Hbarrel: I really appreciate your thoughts. However, where I am able to shop the only true integrateds I've been able to listen to are the tube Synthesis (whose experience I previously shared) and a Bryston (the HSST 1100 or 100??) that was around $3000. I didn't care for the Synthesis, and the Bryston was very much beyond my price range. If I'd been able to listen to more integrated amplifiers, I would have considered increasing my budget - but I won't do that for options I haven't heard.

Otherwise, the Rotel pieces I will select are the RC-1070 (pre) & RB-1070 (power).

if you have some time take a look at odyssey stuff-
you can get seperates or the new cyclops intigrated(not yet on the web sight-you must call klaus)

much better than rotel or adcom and a 20 year warranty-also made in the good ol US OF A

I'd look for a used Bryston or Classe integrated (with phono stage), probably pick up a mint unit here on the 'Gon for $1000 or so. Leaves you $500 for a decent analog front end.

What is your budget? What is your power requirement for your speakers?
