Best Zip Code for Perfect Life

Two recent threads have inspired me. One was on persuading the wife for an audio shopping "romantic weekend" and the other on all of your hobbies outside of audio. Given that many of you seem interested in contemplative and creative things, fishing bicycling etc as well as quite a few car nuts, here is the ultimate question: Where can I chuck in the big city rat race and move that would offer: natural beauty, pre war architecture (at least some) and privacy where one could fish, cycle, enjoy nature etc and not worry about neighbors when playing MFSL Dark Side of the Moon at concert levels through subwoofers, drive 30-60 minutes maximum to check out some girls, visit a good audio dealer, book shop, music store and eat some decent Italian food, without spending a zillion bucks on real estate or living in an overpopulated or pre fab "McMansion" atmosphere. Extra Credit: roads ideally would be somewhat rural, bucolic, winding and not ruined by traffic or constant speed traps.(One for the car geeks, of which I am one.)Let's keep this gem to our forum, but WE can all move there and start an audio club and the best dealers will follow. Thanks for the tip and I will hope to see you in the village market and have you over for a drink and a demo!
08540 - Princeton, New Jersey - Has all the requirements you are looking for. Natural scenery, pre-Revolutionary War architecture, large property lots, relatively low cost (compared to Palo Alto, CA - where I live), plenty of areas for fishing and cycling, great Italian food in Chambersberg (again, better than anything out here in California), NYC is an hour away (where the girls are ;-), three audio dealers in town, all the chain bookstores and some really cool, beatnik type used bookstores, and of course Princeton Record Exchange (probably one of the three best record stores in the country).